Illinois: Traveling Through History

Sunday, February 9*, 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Free event @ the Historic Prairie House, 11225 Constitution Drive, Westchester

Imagine traveling through time to see the places and learn about the people who have made Illinois famous. Professional photographer, naturalist and history buff Jim Rowan has put together some of his favorite images of places you can visit to experience our historical and natural wonders first hand.

Come enjoy this slide presentation and hear Jim’s personal travel recollections at the historic Prairie House School Museum and Welcome Center to Wolf Road Prairie.

*Snow date: Sunday, February 23, 2025

An Introduction to Wolf Road Prairie

Sunday, January 26*, 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Free event @ the Historic Prairie House, 11225 Constitution Drive, Westchester

Wolf Road Prairie Steward Wyatt Widmer will give a presentation addressing the History, Make-up, Challenges and Wonders of the prairie, with video footage and images spanning the seasons.

This presentation is part of a series recognizing Save the Prairie Society’s 50 years of commitment to preserving Wolf Road Prairie.

*Snow date: Sunday, February 2, 2025

Origins of Holiday Treats

Sunday, December 8, 1:00pm
Free event @ the Historic Prairie House, 11225 Constitution Drive, Westchester

This program will address the origins and history of some of our traditional holiday baked goods and other sweet treats. Many of these delights come from the Old World and spring from specific customs and circumstances that are interesting to explore.

Enjoy a holiday atmosphere, coffee time and a few samples of the items we discuss.

The Biggest Little Farm

Sunday November 10, 1:00pm
Free event @ the Historic Prairie House, 11225 Constitution Drive, Westchester

Join us for a screening of the award-winning documentary, The Biggest Little Farm, about a young couple and community of friends who commit to turning a worn-out piece of land into a farm.

Their decision to preserve the wildlife inhabiting the land makes this a story of unexpected turns, culminating in a deeper respect for nature.

Backyard Birds of Prey

Sunday, October 13, 1:00pm
Free event @ the Historic Prairie House, 11225 Constitution Drive, Westchester

Hoos in the woods? Biologist Stacia Novy will talk about the raptors in our own residential neighborhoods. Hawks, eagles, falcons and owls encountered during a day or night on the town will
be covered. Ever wonder about the hawk that suddenly appears at your bird feeder? What about those strange calls heard in the middle of the night? And what kind of hawk sits on telephone wires? Attend this program to learn the answers and identities of these highly-urbanized, feathered friends!

Stacia in full chest waders checking birds’ nests in underground drainage tunnels

Using the flotation method to check the age of birds’ eggs in the field

With a trained Red-tailed Hawk

With freshly-trapped, wild hawks

The Red-tailed Hawk is one of the species that Stacia will cover during her talk on raptors. The Red-tailed Hawk is commonly seen in urban areas and at Wolf Road Prairie.

Insect Safari

Sunday September 15, 12:00pm
Free event @ the Historic Prairie House, 11225 Constitution Drive, Westchester

Join us for our next Insect Safari with naturalist guides Michael Rush, Jim Rowan and Larry Godson.

Using nets provided by Save The Prairie Society, participants will be able to catch, identify and study a variety of insects. In the end, we will release them back onto the prairie. Note: please wear sturdy shoes and long pants!

The Annual Old Fashioned Prairie Fest

Saturday, September 7, 10:00am to 4:00pm
Free event @ the Historic Prairie House, 11225 Constitution Drive, Westchester

Save the Prairie Society invites you to a free community event: The Annual Old Fashioned Prairie Fest! at the parkway of the Prairie House. Rain date September 14.

FREE Event! Something for everyone:

  • Vendors will offer Arts and Crafts
  • Prairie Society experts will offer Prairie Walking Tours
  • STPS local historian will give tours of the 1870s farmhouse and the historic 1853 Schoolhouse Museum within
  • Meet Special Guest Rick Schoenfield, author of The Soldiers Fell Like Autumn Leaves (on the Battle of the Wabash)
  • Ledo’s Pizza will offer Food and Beverages
  • Wool Spinning Demonstration
  • Dulcimer Players will perform music on the front porch
  • Lovely Handmade Quilts will be on display
  • Our Information Booth will have more details on Prairie Events, Restoration Efforts and other Save the Prairie Society Volunteer Opportunities

Insect Safari

Saturday, July 13, 10:00am
Free event @ the Historic Prairie House, 11225 Constitution Drive, Westchester

Join us for our summer Insect Safari with naturalist guides Michael Rush, Jim Rowan and Larry Godson.

Using nets provided by Save The Prairie Society, participants will be able to catch, identify and study a variety of insects. In the end, we will release them back onto the prairie. Note: please wear sturdy shoes and long pants!

World National Parks

Sunday, June 9th @ 1-3pm
Free event @ the Historic Prairie House, 11225 Constitution Drive, Westchester

Join us as the Prairie House welcomes photographer and naturalist James Rowan for another of his popular, slide presentations.

This time, Jim is featuring memorable views and stories gathered on decades of adventures abroad from the Natural Parks of the World.