Matching Grant Opportunity

Save the Prairie Society is undergoing a match grant and the opportunity is almost up! We’re at about $1,500 of the maximum $2,500. Meaning that if we (you and us, together) can reach $2,500, the amount is matched for a whopping total of $5,000!!!

If you donate any amount to the match grant in a check or enveloped cash, written out to Save the Prairie Society and sent to 11225 Constitution Dr., Westchester, IL, one of our members will match the amount donated. That means that any amount you donate is automatically DOUBLED and you help us TWICE as much as you are able, by default. This match grant is going to help us in commissioning our restoration efforts to ecological contractors so that our time and energy can be more focused and less thin-spread. It’s a huge aid to us and means a ton to our efforts! Especially in this time when money is tight for most people.

We thank you dearly in advance. If you have any amount you’re willing to donate, write up that check and send it to us. I will update this post with any other means of donation applicable to the match grant. And as always, we graciously except all other forms of donation as well, at any time.

Thanks for all of your support. It allows us to continue restoring this important and functional ecosystem that benefits you even if you never step foot it in (for more info on that, check out the latest Wyatt E Coyote video on Facebook). We need these environments and these environments need you!

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